We want all children to grow up healthy, happy, safe, and able to manage the challenges and
opportunities of modern Britain. That is why, from September 2020, all primary age children will be taught Relationships and Health Education. These subjects are designed to equip your child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their well being, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. The world for all young people looks very different from the way it did 20 years ago when the old curriculum was last updated – these changes bring the content into the 21st century, so that it is relevant for your child.

At Bearpark Primary, we deliver the content in a way that is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs and religious background of our pupils.

RSHE is….

friendships, self-confidence, consent, respect, different families, online safety, keeping safe, communication skills, growing and changing, feelings and emotions, taking care of ourselves and others, healthy relationships

Communication with parents and carers in regard to RSHE is vital in ensuring your child receives high quality RSHE. We want to support all parents and carers to have conversations at home about relationships and sex education and Health Education (Physical and Mental Well-being). We recognise that as parents you are the prime educators.

Consultation with Parents/Carers on RSHE

We had 21 responses to our questionnaire.

81% of parents/carers were aware that RSHE was now a statutory part of their child’s curriculum.

90% of parents/carers knew that primary schools are required to teach sex education and that they have the right to request that their child is removed from this part of RSHE.

96% of parents/carers said that they do not require any support regarding the RSHE that we teach in school. One parent would like a better idea of what we are teaching in each year group. This can be found by clicking on this link below.


PSHCE LTP MTP 2023 2024

Educate and Celebrate

Over the course of the year, our aim is to usualise the protected characteristics from The Equality Act 2010 into our day to day practice. Please keep an eye on our website, newsletters and Facebook.

Age, Disability, Gender, Identity, Marriage, Civil Partnership, Pregnancy, Race, Belief. Religion, Sexual orientation

We have a diversity library in school.


We asked children to make diversity desserts. We celebrated their differences and how different they all are, like us.

Click here to look at our RSHE policy 2022.

The policy has been written involving parents, staff and children and this will be reviewed regularly.