
We want the children of Bearpark Primary School to know where they live and see the world beyond Bearpark School.

We do this by offering a range of opportunities including accessing outdoor learning and geographical enquiry. We want children to have a purposeful skills to use in their life and to prepare them for Geography at Secondary Education.

The Curriculum has been sequenced to enable children to build on what they know and prior learning of their immediate geography to their global geography.

Progression in Fieldwork 2023 to 2025

Fieldwork at Bearpark Primary School 2023 to 2025

Long Term Plan

Bearpark Primary Geography 2023 to 2025

At Bearpark Primary, we teach Geography progressively, focussing on the key skills; working geographically covering map and fieldwork skills, and key knowledge.

We teach the children about the importance of our locality, starting in our village and then looking beyond in our county, country, continent and the whole world.

Geographical Vocabulary

street left teacher
house right caretaker
bungalow forwards Head Teacher
school backwards cleaner
church above Police Officer
zebra crossing under doctor
traffic lights tunnel dentist
bridge roundabout map
 Year 1
near transport wind
far lorry snow
left bus rain
right car hail
building summer fog
plan winter wet
globe autumn dry
journey spring hot
travel seasons cold
long short wide
bungalow junction narrow
town village farm
Year 2
England location Dublin
Scotland route Equator
Northern Ireland aerial view North Pole
Eire landscape South Pole
Wales environment Irish Sea
North London North Sea
South Edinburgh English Channel
east Cardiff local
west  Belfast distant
semi-detached terraced address
larger smaller behind
city desert ocean
beach cliff coast
forest hill mountain
sea river valley
soil vegetation seasonal
port harbour factory
 Year 3
settlement valley mountain
community vegetation weathering
landscape soil erosion [within weathering]
relief map peat port
political map loam harbour
cliff clay factory
ocean lake office
fieldwork transport [carry] industry
sketch diagram compass
North East South East North West
South West weather climate zone
polar equator tropical
longitude latitude environment
 Year 4
greenhouse valley warm
polytunnel contour humid
intensive farming height coastal
arable farming hydroponics evaporation
market gardening allotment precipitation
mixed farming distribution condensation
organic farming import hemisphere
distance export productivity
scale native/ indigenous natural resources
grid reference sustainable man-made materials
satellite weathering/erosion hemisphere
settlement patterns natural disaster tropical
inland ox-bow lake polar
urban/ rural spring [water] trade

 Year 5

climate/ weather flood plain deposition
climate zones meander transportation
tributary surface confluence
vegetation belts sea level mouth
river grid reference source
delta terrain products
ox-bow lake features industrial
grid reference contour lines continent
landscape natural sub-continent
water cycle population development
arid precipitation irrigation
evaporation condensation ground water
settlement industry tourist
excursion scale [maps] contours
 Year 6
migrate naturalised Arctic
disperse indigenous Antarctic
sustainability immigrant renewable
natural disaster survey population
natural resources questionnaire biomes
canopy [trees] latitude vegetation belts
Ordnance Survey longitude climate zones
distance Greenwich/Prime Meridian conservation
scale Time zone pollution
grid reference Northern hemisphere export
symbols Southern hemisphere import
urban Tropic of Capricorn tropical
rural Tropic of Cancer equatorial
land use Equator subterranean
congestion latitude location
pollution longitude minutes[location]
tectonic plates deforestation magma