
At Bearpark Primary School, we want our young scientists to enjoy rich, practical scientific experiences, ones that enable our children to think, talk, ask questions, develop new language and have better understanding of the world
around them. We want our children to take charge of their learning, develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science. Our full science curriculum for all year groups aims to allow our children to be equipped with the scientific skills and knowledge, to able to access confidently the secondary curriculum.

When teaching Science, we see it as essential that there is a clear progression of skills and knowledge.  Throughout the different year groups, we have a focus on practical science which allows children to explore and discover.

We focus our learning to take place both inside and outside of the classroom, so that the children can experience Science in the world around them.

Here are our long term plans for 2023 2024 for our new mixed age classes

Science Whole School Overview 2023 2024

Working Scientifically

Our Class Scientists

Class 1W:
Charles Darwin

Class 2J:
Alexander Flemming

Class 3H:
Niels Bohr

Class 4D:
Galileo Galilei