PE Physical Education
SS School Sport
PA Physical Activity
At Bearpark Primary School, physical education is an integral part of our curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils. Children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enables all children to achieve their personal best. Children participate in competitive sport and we always teach them to try their best and display good sportsmanship. We aim for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives. The PE curriculum is complemented by an extensive sporting after school club opportunities and organised lunch time activities led by our sports leaders, which is open to all pupils no matter what their ability or interests. Our curriculum gives the children at Bearpark School the opportunity to develop their physical skills and experience a wide range of competitive sporting activities, including inter and intra competitions in order to prepare them for secondary education and beyond.

LTP Curriculum Map PE 2022-23 and extra curricular sporting activities
Progression (Medium Term Plans) in our curriculum for 2 to 11 year olds
More information about expectations of our Physical Education in Bearpark Primary School
Motor Competences
These are a person’s ability to make a range of physical actions which include co-ordinating fine and gross motor skills. These are to being able to in everyday activities as well as in play and physical activity. For some children, PE will be the first time these competences are taught. Pupils require sufficient and well-designed opportunities to practise these competences as well as feedback to know how to improve. There is a positive link between confidence and competence.
Fundamental Movement Skills
In the early years, pupils need to develop a good level of fundamental movement skills which are the basic motor patterns which are not learned naturally. They include locomotor skills (such as running and jumping), stability skills (such as twisting and balancing), and manipulation skills (such as throwing and catching) which are best developed between the ages of 3 and 8. The curriculum should include progression from these simple movements to more complex movements as children get older.
Rules, Strategies and Tactics
Pupils also need to be taught how to move as well as competently. The rules, strategies and tactics which are involved with different types of activity require explicit teaching. Tactics are the decisions people make about how, when and where to move and are closely related to motor competences as they are only successful if pupils can perform the necessary movement. Some physical activities do not have rules or tactics but they do have strategies for success. These are less time-dependent than tactics and can have broader relevance beyond playing games.
Healthy Participation
Pupils need to learn how to participate in physical activity in a healthy way. This can involve having their understanding from outside of school challenged and corrected. For example, public health messages can sometimes be unclear and unhelpful unless pupils understand them in the correct context. Children need to understand how their knowledge of health applies to physical activity so they can participate fully and safely.